Where are Mathias and Wife Elisabeth (?
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작성자 Ted 작성일24-12-30 17:54 조회2회 댓글0건본문
Measuring sea level sounds easy but not when some parts of the coast are rising and others sinking, quite apart from the fact that changes in air pressure also cause fluctuations. Sophisticated methods can be used to measure the concentration of gases in the atmosphere, but the atmosphere is subject to many changes at a local level producing serious sampling problems. Although the main media focus has been on the state of our surrounding atmosphere, this should not cause us to overlook that most of our atmospheric heat comes from the Sun and a smaller proportion from beneath us in the Earth. The Earth’s wavering distance from the Sun, and the fact that the solar system itself is continuing to move through our home galaxy, cause us to encounter varying concentrations of cosmic rays which in turn appear to affect the formation of high clouds in our atmosphere which are generally thought to moderate the degree of cooling or warming. Some cynics in the denier camp have also pointed out that the claimed overall temperature rise of 0.5 degrees Celsius for last century actually falls within the demonstrated error of measurement and may in fact not even be real.
The tilt of the Earth on its axis also varies and fluctuates between 24 degrees and 22 degrees off upright. By all means we can justify cleaning up our air and water and are certainly not obliged follow the previous White House regime in using scientific uncertainty to divert action away from conservation of nature and fossil fuels, but this is not quite the same as accepting we are ready or even have the means to restore the Earth to its hypothetical steady state temperature range. The final blow to the graph’s credibility came when a sceptical critic used Mann’s statistical procedure for smoothing his data on random data and found that even random data generated the same hockey stick graph. Having pinned faith and reputation on earlier statements about the graph being essentially correct the IPCC and US National Academy of Science (the NAS) had been understandably reticent and muted in their eventual inevitable rejection of Mann’s work, so much so that the graph itself continued to feature in global warming literature and Mann was almost able to get away with his claim that his study had been vindicated by the NAS report on his work.
The transition may be occurring because hotter air has more capacity to hold moisture, which in turn creates more rain, said Martin Claussen of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, What is 3c billiards who was not involved in the new study. In 1997 President Clinton produced a list of 2,500 scientists who had approved the 1996 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change preparing for Kyoto. What is not clear is how it was then established that the abrupt shift in temperatures was not at least partly due to this change to the sources of data gathering. SWIN, Geo. (Emma) 5 ch farmer O 70a 3h 3c R8 Napoleon Mon 18 Ind tel. SONNENBERG, Fred (Rose) 2 ch farmer O 40a 3h 2c Rl Okolona Nap 25 Ind tel. SPAFFORD, L. V. (Fanny) 1 ch teaming O H&L 2h RD Napoleon Nap Ind tel. STOCKMAN, W. P. (Jennie) 9 ch farmer O 12a 1h R6 Napoleon Har 6 Ind tel. STEWARD, Fred (Emaline) farmer & real estate justice of peace O 74a H&L 1h E Maple Ave Liberty Center Ind tel. STAGE, O. D. elevator man Railroad Ave Liberty Center. SPIESS, Lawrence (Esther) farmer T 160a 7h 20c R3 Liberty Center Lib 44 Ind tel.
SPIESS, Edward (Maggie L.) 7 ch farmer & township trustee O 80a 4h 8c R3 Liberty Center Lib 67 Ind tel. SPANGLER, J. W. 7 ch farmer O 40a 7h 5c R1 McClure Rhfd 33 Ind tel. SNYDER, W. M. (Libbie) 4 ch concrete work O 20a H&L 2h McClure Ind tel. The committee went on to summarise their findings on Mann’s work as "bad mathematics". SPIETH, Sophia housekeeper Rl Napoleon Har 7 Ind tel. SPANGLER, Anna housekeeper Rl McClure Rhfd 33 Ind tel. SPAFFORD, Marion housekeeper RD Napoleon Nap Ind tel. SPANGLER, Dan farmer O 40a 2h R2 Napoleon Fre 70 Ind tel. STEVENS, C. C. (Bertha) 1 ch mail carrier T H&L 1h Malinta Ind tel. SNYDER, S. L. (Nettie M.) 2 ch bookkeeper T H&L Holgate Ind tel. SONNENBERG, August (Sophia) 2 ch farmer O 59a 4h 6c R7 Napoleon Nap 84 Ind tel. SPIESS, Reuben farmer RD Napoleon Lib. SPIESS, Dan (Mary) 5 ch farmer T 40a 3h R4 Napoleon Fre 9 Ind tel. SNYDER, Wm. H. (Ruth) 2 ch farmer T 130a 5h 18c R7 Napoleon Nap 82 Ind tel. SPADHOLTZ, Fred farmer O 72a 2h R2 Jewell Nap 39 Ind tel.
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